Hearing Loss

How Hearing Loss Affects the Entire Family

One of the reasons people don’t bother to get their hearing checked is that they think that a possible hearing loss only affects them. After all, they’re the ones with the trouble hearing, why should it be a problem for anyone else? The truth is the inability to hear can have a big impact on […]

Hearing Loss After a Stroke

You may already know that strokes can lead to paralysis, trouble speaking and swallowing, memory and reasoning issues and more. You may not know, however, that strokes can also cause hearing loss. If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, there are some signs that you can look out for. Of course, in […]

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month

Many of us go through our everyday lives without stopping to think about our hearing, which is why National Protect Your Hearing Month is so important. Awareness of the potential dangers of hearing loss is important because it affects a large number of people, and noise-induced hearing loss is completely preventable. However, once the damage is done […]

What is the Best Way to Clean My Ears?

You’ve probably heard that you shouldn’t use cotton swabs to clean out your ears, but what should you do if they become blocked? Earwax, otherwise known as cerumen, is a thick substance your ear produces in order to protect itself. It generally moves outward in the ear canal from the movement of your jaw when […]

Allergies or Sudden Hearing Loss?

Sudden hearing loss is considered to be a potential emergency by ENT physicians and audiologists and can be scary for anyone. Fortunately, a sudden hearing loss is not necessarily a sign of something far more serious lurking inside your body. Prompt action to investigate the cause of the hearing loss is the most important thing to […]

Allergies and Hearing Loss

The functions of your ears are intertwined with many other parts of the body, which is why the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies can impact your hearing. How allergies can impact your hearing If you suffer from allergies you’re most likely accustomed to dealing with a runny nose, congestion, and red, itchy eyes when the […]

How Hearing Affects your Speech

Our ability to communicate is heavily influenced by our ability to distinguish individual sounds. As your hearing capability is reduced, so are the frequencies or pitch ranges that you can detect. The sounds of speech are associated with a particular frequency ranges and patterns. If you lose the ability to detect that range, sounds using […]

Patient Story: J.J. Levison

Like all senses, hearing often plays a critical role in daily life. Unfortunately, many patients, like J.J. Levison, ignore common hearing problems because they don’t like the idea of wearing hearing aids, haven’t found the right pair of hearing aids, or have developed coping skills, like lip-reading. The good news is that Bellows Hearing Institute […]

How Does Hearing Loss Impact Your Brain?

Can hearing loss be a contributing cause of dementia? A body of research has found that older people with moderate to severe hearing loss had a risk of almost 60 percent of developing cognitive impairment.(Lin and Albert, 2014; Yuan et al, 2018) Later studies have been looking into whether the use of hearing aids can delay or […]

Better Hearing or Better Listening?

Hearing is a critically important sense for typical development of speech and language which carries us through the formative years of learning and socializing so unique to humankind.  Loss of hearing can come from illness, heredity, noise exposure, among a variety of other causes.  As we mature and approach retirement age, Age Related Hearing Loss […]

Loneliness, Social Isolation and a Pandemic, Oh My!

The worldwide impact of implementation of unprecedented social distancing and limitations on social activities because of the COVID-19 pandemic may have helped control the spread of the disease but impacted older adults disproportionally.  In a report from May of last year Hwang and colleagues noted:  “…there is a high cost associated with the essential quarantine […]

Types of Hearing Loss – What are the Differences?

There are two traditional types of hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural. The classification of each relates to the specific physiological cause. Some cases of hearing loss can involve a combination of the two – what hearing healthcare providers call mixed hearing loss. Recently, a third category called “Hidden Hearing Loss” has been described in peer reviewed […]

Are Men or Women More Impacted by Hearing Loss?

Most people know that older adults are more likely to develop hearing loss as a result of Age-Related Hearing Loss (ARHL), but does a person’s gender also have an impact on their chances of having hearing problems? Men are more likely than women to develop hearing loss Decades of research data have shown that, regardless […]

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